Our expertise

You are in safe hands

We have nearly 50 years of direct aftermarket experience. This has been gained from leadership roles in all sides (supplier, competitor and customer), all parts (OEM and independent MRO/distributors) and in all the customer facing functions. Therefore, we implicitly understand how the aftermarket operates from all stakeholder perspectives, and have an all encompassing understanding of the market dynamics and principles.

Our experience includes senior management roles in all of the customer facing aspects of aftermarket - everything from product support and warranty, through customer service and support, to sales, marketing and commercial, etc.

That level of experience can be very tough to find.

man using MacBook

Our key USP is that we have a very broad and deep understanding of how aftermarket operates.

What does this mean?

We "get" aftermarket ... it's our home turf!

Customer service/support and sales and marketing are critical elements of the 'go to market' strategy of any business. We fully understand the importance of creating service levels, value propositions and USP's that are actually meaningful to customers.

Besides the day-to-day running of customer facing functions, our experience has also exposed us to many improvement projects such as TQM, six sigma, business process re-engineering, simple process improvement, training and CRM deployment, etc.

We implicitly understand that working in aftermarket can be fast moving, ever-changing and highly complex. However, our experience gives us proven real-life knowledge of what does and does not work and that forms the basis of everything we do.

We look forward to working with you.

Satisfying customers is our strategy
Satisfying customers is our strategy

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